Science Saturday
Workshop for 15 kids

Amazon Conservation Association
One of the world's greatest concentrations of biodiversity occurs in the old growth Amazonian forest at the base of the Andes in southeastern Peru. However, local students living in rural southeastern Peru have had little access to this natural treasure so close to their home.
The Gift
The Los Amigos Biological Station, commonly known as CICRA (Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Río Los Amigos), located at the confluence of the Madre de Dios and Los Amigos rivers, is the Amazon's most active research station. "Science Saturday" is a weekly program that brings together the researchers who've traveled thousands of kilometers to work here and the children who have lived in the nearby village of Boca Amigos all their lives. This gift will provide a day of science and environmental education for 15 local schoolchildren grades K-6. We'll send you a photo of the kids and researchers teaching each other about the rainforest.