American Refugee Committee
See our GiftsOverview
In the aftermath of conflict and natural disaster, the American Refugee Committee (ARC) meets the health care and immediate basic needs of affected communities. When conditions stabilize, ARC assists communities in recovery and helps those who fled return to their homes and rebuild their lives.
The American Refugee Committee works with refugees, displaced people, and those at risk to help them survive crises and rebuild lives of dignity, health, security and self-sufficiency.
Today, ARC works in 9 countries around the world helping victims of war, civil conflict and natural disaster rebuild their lives. ARC aims to build programs that: utilize the knowledge and experience of the people they serve; improve the lives of people in the community; train survivors and build the capacity of the community; and sustain themselves years into the future.
ARC programs in Africa and Asia provide health care, clean water, shelter repair, legal aid, trauma counseling, microcredit, community development services, and repatriation assistance to more than one million people, annually. ARC bases its relationship with uprooted peoples on mutual respect and a compassionate exchange of knowledge and values.
In 2006, ARC improved living conditions and provided the opportunity for a future to nearly 3 million refugees, displaced people, and others in need.
Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand
430 Oak Grove Street
Suite 204
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Phone: (800) 875-7060
EIN: 36-3241033
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your donation will focus on helping people prepare food and water that’s safe. A slow-burning, fuel-efficient cookstove, a kerosene stove, a pot, cooking utensils, soap for dishwashing – all will take some of the risk out of eating. The gift you give your loved one will stand out - safe and healthy meals for a family. They’ll remember your gift long after they’ve forgotten the...
Regular price $1700 $17.00
Your gift will focus on providing a clean and safe delivery for mother and child. A clean delivery kit, with sterile gloves, gauze, scissors and antibiotic ointment, will greatly reduce the chances of infection. And continuing care after delivery will ensure that mother and child stay healthy. The gift you give your loved one will stand out – a clean and safe delivery for a...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Life-saving work is rarely glamorous. But, a latrine and training in how to maintain it can protect a large family from the threat of disease. Yours will be the most interesting and intriguing gift your loved one receives. And it will save the most lives.
Regular price $8000 $80.00
Your gift provides refuge. With a roof overhead and some basic necessities and services, families are safer and healthier. A reliable shelter becomes the foundation for recovery from the trauma many have faced. There’s no better gift for someone you love than a gift of hope and opportunity for a family who have lost everything. Your donation will provide shelter for one family.
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Your donation changes everything for a woman and her family. Small business and skills training, coupled with a small loan or grant, makes an immeasurable impact. A mother can start a small business that feeds her family and clothes her kids. She can send them to school and give them the chance for a better future. Where else can you get a gift that changes...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your gift focuses on the simple hygiene needs of people who’ve lost everything. Hand and body soap, sanitary napkins, laundry soap, a toothbrush, cotton gauze, and a small towel are people’s first line of defense against disease. Community education sessions on hygiene also make a big difference in people’s habits and stymie the spread of disease. Many of us take the availability of soap for...
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Your gift will provide safehouse supplies for one month, making sure women and children don't suffer further attacks. A safehouse provides them with protection from their attackers. There they can recover, receive medical treatment and counseling and pursue justice, if they so choose. What could be a more important gift? Your special someone will thank you for the opportunity to be a part of ending...
Regular price $13500 $135.00
Your gift will give expectant mothers the support they need. From providing training and education to midwives, to equipping them with the sterilized and safe delivery and first-aid kits they need, to providing mothers and infants with post-delivery care – giving birth will be easier and safer. What gift is better than giving a mother and child a healthy beginning? Your loved one will be...
Regular price $4000 $40.00
Your gift focuses on getting people the life-saving information they need in a culturally appropriate manner. By training refugees to educate their communities, convening small group educational meetings, and creating signs, pamphlets, art and music with health messages – your donation will make an impact upon the health of an entire community. What better gift for your loved one? Even the person who has everything...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your donation can change everything for a family. A small loan and a few skills and small business training sessions make an enormous impact. Mothers and fathers can start a small business that feeds their whole family, clothes their kids and sends them to school. They may even be able to save some money to expand their business in the future. Try to find a...
Regular price $3,00000 $3,000.00
Your gift of $3,000 will provide a new well and a safe source of water for a town or village. From digging a well - to teaching a community how to keep it clean – to distributing water containers – your gift provides people with their most basic need. Clean water. Instead of the latest fad that’s forgotten in a few months, why not give...