See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Art nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
Also, be sure to create a Wish List and let your friends know you would welcome a donation in your name, in lieu of yet another present.
Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Art or any cause.
Regular price $2400 $24.00
New Yorkers get around by subway and bus. The Metropolitan Transit Authority 7-day unlimited use card, which your gift provides, is a terrific bargain for visitors.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your gift will provide one internet or phone card to a local artist. Discount rate cards can be purchased for Internet access and international telephone time.
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Ready access to a laptop computer for writing, for working with photographs, video and music, for access to the Internet and email all multiply the breadth and impact of a Fellow's month-long stay in the U.S. At the conclusion of their residencies, the 15 Fellows gather at CEC to share the record of their work, and to talk about the experience of working in a...
Regular price $9500 $95.00
Your gift will provide one night's hotel in Bishkek, capital of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will rent a video projector for a seminar. Video projectors and sound systems are available to rent locally. We must cover the cost, which is beyond the means of local hosts. We can do it with your help.
Regular price $6500 $65.00
Your gift will provide one hour of DVD or tape conversion and duplication.