Sponsor A Country
Inspire our children

Art in All of Us
AiA has a dedicated artist and Instructor team that travels around the globe to promote tolerance in schools through Art activities. They are constantly on the move, organizing photography, poetry and paintings workshop with new children in new locations.
The Gift
The goal is for each child to be able to take photographs and present their country creatively through drawings and poetries. The AiA instructors also conduct interactive artistic activities with the children, presenting to them the lives of children in other countries through photos and other creative material in order to awaken awareness to other cultures worldwide. Afterwards they conduct a training of local teachers with the objective to enable capacity building and stimulate creativity and curiosity of thousands of children. A donation of 750 USD will allow us to buy all the necessary art materials. Furthermore, it will cover most of our team’s travel and visa expenses. The artists usually stay with a local family in the community or inside the school/orphanages, so no expenses are expected on accommodation nor for extra per diems. More at www.artinallofus.org