Commission Fund
Fund new commissions

Performa Inc
Performa 11 will engage over 40 arts and cultural institutions, 100 international artists, and a network of public and private entities across the city in a lively, event driven ‘festival-as-think-tank’ about the cultural future of the city. An exciting program of over 70 events will provide an important platform for artists, curators and arts organizations to present radical new ideas about the future through visual art, dance, design, music, film, architecture, and poetry.
The Gift
Enjoy first hand experience of the artistic process – conversation, studio visits, and rehearsals – with Performa Commissioned artists, as they work to realize their visions for an extraordinary new art of the 21st Century. Be directly involved with one of the most dynamic arts organizations working in New York and internationally that is changing the way we view and understand contemporary art. Experience master classes with artists, curators, musicians, philosophers, and writers involved with creating the Performa biennial, led by world renowned art historian, critic, and Performa Director, RoseLee Goldberg.