
See our Gifts


We are adding charitable gifts from nonprofits that meet needs in Brazil.


If you have favorite organizations, please let us know. Contact information appears at the bottom of the page. 


Basic Needs


Countries and Regions



Feed A Child

Food for one month

Associacao Saude Crianca Renascer

Regular price $50.00

Your donation will provide a child with basic food items for one month.

Improve Nutrition

One nutritionist

Associacao Saude Crianca Renascer

Regular price $600.00

Your donation will allow our nutritionist to provide consultations with the families we serve for an entire month. The nutritionist evaluates family nutrition and follows-up monthly with malnourished children.

Feed A Family

One month basic needs

MAD Ministries

Regular price $40.00

One 40 lb bag of rice, beans, flour, tortillas, canned goods, etc. This bag of food is enough to meet the basic needs of the families. These needy and poor children in Brazil and the United States desperately need food. By providing this bag of basics, the families can spend what little money they have on other needs. The food items are different in the...