Drive Innovation
Develop new therapies

Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure
There is an unmet medical need for the development of therapies for brain cancer, a life-threatening disease with few therapeutic options. Development of new therapies is costly, laborious, and time-consuming. Moreover, only a small proportion of compounds that show promise in the laboratory ultimately succeed in the clinic. Thus, few companies invest their research dollars in finding cures for diseases that affect a comparatively small percentage of the population, as does brain cancer.
The Gift
In an effort to quicken the evaluation of therapeutic candidates for possible advancement to the clinic for brain cancer patients, ABC2 partnered with the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Center at Duke University to form the Preclinical Screening Program. Your gift will support a critical link with the biopharmaceutical industry and academia and help fill a void in the drug development arena by providing a venue for preclinical testing with rapid turnaround time. Funding will allow researchers in academia, corporations, and federal agencies to get their existing, approved therapies that target other types of cancers (e.g., breast, lung, and colon) as well as their experimental compounds tested and evaluated for their potential utility in brain cancer.