Empower Youth
Advocate training

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Tobacco use is a leading cause of death worldwide. The tobacco industry aggressively targets young people around the world every day through advertisements, event sponsorship and free giveaways.
The Gift
Youth are the very best advocates for their own tobacco-free futures. Our Youth Advocates are true leaders at every level, serving the role of spokespersons, organizers, and liaisons to state and national programs. Youth Advocates participate in our annual Youth Advocacy Symposium in the nation's capital, where they learn to organize creative activism and public education campaigns that directly influence state and federal policy priorities. Symposium training includes youth empowerment, advocacy, and creating action plans to develop peer-to-peer programs. In addition to meeting legislators at Hill visits, Youth Advocates receive media training covering public speaking, workshop facilitation, and serving as media spokespersons. Past Youth Advocates have been interviewed on Oprah and Peter Jennings Reporting, appeared in People magazine, participated in White House events, and spoken at press conferences. Youth Advocates work with the Campaign throughout the year to promote tobacco prevention.