Teach Kids Health
Kit for one classroom

Strang Cancer Prevention Center
Obesity is a risk factor for certain cancers, especially among underserved populations. Strang recognizes the need to address the high obesity rates and lack of physical activity among our nation's children, particularly those in urban areas. Strang is working to help families improve the nutrition and fitness habits of their children. This kit helps children approach the topic in a fun way that they can share with their peers.
The Gift
Your gift will provide one Healthy Children Healthy Futures Tool Kit to teach children in one classroom to become advocates through their schools, families and communities for healthy eating and increased physical activity. The tool kit contains materials necessary for the implementation of the program at a school or community site, including a Facilitator Guide. Facilitators learn how to teach children to produce posters, radio messages, and animated messages. The kit answers common questions on snack foods and provides fun Active Energizers designed to get kids moving! It introduces children to the 8 Habits of Healthy Kids™ and offers activities that familiarize children with healthy eating and physical activity. It helps them learn to create messages in print, radio and animated ads and guides planning a culminating event for children to present their work. Activities help children to create messages in their own voices that will resonate with their peers.