Civil Society
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Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will enable a civil society activist or organization based in a developing country to become a member of CIVICUS for a year. They will be able to participate in, and benefit from, a global network of civil society organizations. All members support CIVICUS' vision and mission of strengthening civil society around the world and building a community of informed, inspired and committed citizens...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Supporting an hour of consultation with a lawyer or other technical expert will help secure justice and could save lives. Expertise will be used to investigate and support cases where civil society activists are charged and imprisoned, to advise on human rights legislation, or to develop technical materials for use by local organizations in their fight for civil liberties. In the context of the global...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
By supporting the production of our media releases, your gift will enable us to research a situation where civil society is under threat, check and compile this information and package it for the media and other interested groups. Encouraging the media to report on these events can be a case of saving life and liberty for the frontline campaigners involved. CIVICUS produces campaign alerts, media...