Open Door to School
10 school uniforms

Sharing Foundation
Many children in Cambodia do not go to school because their families lack $6 to purchase a uniform, required for school attendance. One of the poorest countries in the world (the gross national income (GNI) per capita was $380 in 2005), Cambodia has little infrastructure and few, if any, social support systems in rural areas. Thousands of Cambodian children grow up illiterate, with very limited educational and life options. The ability to attend school offers them hope for a better life.
The Gift
This gift will provide 10 Cambodian children the opportunity to attend school! Education offers these children perhaps their only potential route out of subsistence poverty. The Sharing Foundation provides general support for more than 700 children who attend the Roteang village public school by donating supplies and uniforms for needy students. In addition, this gift supports TSF's Sewing Program, which trains women so they can get supervisory jobs in the garment industry or work in TSF's local shop, providing good income for their families. Last year, TSF's sewing school made over 1,000 uniform sets, each one with two white shirts and two blue trousers or two skirts. TSF gave them to needy Roteang village children, to the Street Children's Assistance NGO, and to a poor government orphanage. Our sewing students, who develop skills by making school uniforms, earn from the first day of their training, so this is a win-win situation. This year, we aim to donate 1,400 uniform sets, including some for HIV children's group homes.