Uncover the Truth
Human rights analysis

Feminist Majority Foundation
When the world considers human rights violations, one of the first questions is "How many people have been affected?" Often the answer depends upon who responds, and is rarely based on structured fact. Scientifically-defensible answers about magnitude and statistical patterns of massive violence can help to overcome partisan arguments about blame and victimhood, yet often this isn’t the case. Rigorous statistics about violence can de-politicize arguments, instead fostering honest debate about accountability and truth.
The Gift
Your donation will allow one of the Benetech Human Rights Program humanitarian statisticians or engineers to work for an hour towards discovering the truth about the violent pasts of nations around the world in a scientifically-defensible manner. Currently we are analyzing mass human rights violations in South America, Asia and Africa. Since 1991, staff of the Benetech Human Rights Program have lead the application of scientific measurement to large-scale human rights violations; supporting a process for transforming information into knowledge to serve humanity. We have provided assistance to seven truth commissions as well as international criminal tribunals and non-governmental human rights organizations around the world. Our work has literally changed history.