
See our Gifts

Promote Education

One month scholarship

American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)

Regular price $15.00

Your gift will provide a scholarship to one child for one month. Each scholarship helps cover the costs of education, such as school fees, books, school supplies, food, clothing and medical care. Scholarships are given to poor and special-needs children living in extremely difficult circumstances in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan and Lebanon. Currently there are seven schools in the program, all of which have...

Promote Education

Scholarship for one year

American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)

Regular price $175.00

Your gift will provide one scholarship for a child for one year. Each scholarship helps cover the costs of education, such as school fees, books, school supplies, food, clothing and medical care. Scholarships are given to poor and special-needs children living in extremely difficult circumstances in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan and Lebanon. Currently there are seven schools in the program, all of which have...

Feed Preschoolers

Milk and snacks

American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)

Regular price $11.00

In an effort to slow the growth of malnutrition, ANERA initiated the Milk for Preschoolers (MfP) project which supplies fortified milk and high energy biscuits in preschools in needy communities in Gaza. Each child receives a box of milk and a package of high energy wafers every school day under the supervision of their teachers. The program is also working to raise nutrition awareness of...

Educate a Child

One Year of School


Regular price $97.00

A donation of $97 will fund an entire year of school for a Ugandan child in an IDP camp. Education has a positive impact on not only the future earning potential of a child but also helps reduce vulnerability to health problems such as HIV/AIDS, increases awareness of human rights and issues such as family planning and improves confidence and overall well being. BRAC is...

Provide Safety

Safehouse supplies

American Refugee Committee

Regular price $1,000.00

Your gift will provide safehouse supplies for one month, making sure women and children don't suffer further attacks. A safehouse provides them with protection from their attackers. There they can recover, receive medical treatment and counseling and pursue justice, if they so choose. What could be a more important gift? Your special someone will thank you for the opportunity to be a part of ending...

Protect a Child

Legal aid for a child

US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

Regular price $90.00

A sustaining gift of $90 a month will provide a full intake screening, thorough needs assessment, brief legal advice, health and social service referrals, and a trained pro bono attorney for one child.

Prevent Illness

One infant hygiene kit

American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)

Regular price $20.00

The hygiene kits are a key component of ANERA’s mission to focus on preventative health care for displaced persons as they raise awareness about good health and hygiene practices. The kits include baby wash and shampoo, diapers, baby wipes, and aspirin for infants. Powdered milk is included in kits for children aged 1 to 3 years old. Infant formula is available for children aged 0...