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Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Disabilities or any cause.
Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Regular price $2500 $25.00
$25 makes it possible for Boundless Playgrounds to provide an informational package to a parent or concerned community member who wants to bring a Boundless™ playground to their community. Boundless™ playgrounds are tailor-made for the way children are naturally drawn to play, plus they are universally accessible so everyone can play side by side at his or her own highest level of ability. No one...
Support the Magic of Health
American Friends Of Jordan River Village
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your donation will enable the Village to stock all needed medication & equipment at 1 session of sick campers at the Village.
Support the Magic of Creativity
American Friends Of Jordan River Village
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your gift supports 1 arts & crafts workshop at a camp session at Jordan River Village
Support the Magic of Adventure
American Friends Of Jordan River Village
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your donation will enable 1 child living with serious illnesses to have a magical experience at our Adventure Tower. All these experiences at the Village help camper in the long-term have improved confidence, higher self-esteem, lower illness-related stress, a greater sense of independence, and increased interest in social activities.
Regular price $30000 $300.00
This gift will provide an opportunity for a child or adult with a disability to attend Camp Looking Glass. Many of our campers and their families are living in poverty. They do not have clothes, toiletries, a comfortable bed, or experiences that empower them. In addition, your donation will provide a respite for loving families who care 24/7 for their children. For many of our...