Ecoagriculture Partners
See our GiftsOverview
How can we produce enough food to nourish all the world’s people, without destroying wildlife and their habitats? Most at-risk species are found in regions where rural people, many of them poor, depend on agriculture for their food and livelihoods. Fortunately, farmers and conservationists around the world have devised creative strategies to manage productive agriculture and healthy habitats together in the same landscape. We call such integrated landscapes “ecoagriculture."
Through collaboration with ecoagriculture innovators all over the world, Ecoagriculture Partners works to better understand the principles and practice of ecoagriculture, link people and organizations who are practicing ecoagriculture and create tools to help them do more. Ecoagriculture Partners works in ‘learning landscapes’ all over the world, with a special focus on East Africa and Mesoamerica.
2001: 'Ecoagriculture' established as an approach by IUCN and Future Harvest in “Common Ground, Common Future” Report.
2002: Ecoagriculture Partners formed as a special project by the Future Harvest Foundation, Forest Trends, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
2003: First EP strategic planning meeting held with nearly 60 representatives from partner organizations.
2003: "Ecoagriculture" book published, outlining strategies of successful ecoagriculture landscapes.
2003: First International Ecoagriculture Conference and Practitioners' Fair held, where 210 ecoagriculture innovators from 46 countries produced a joint statement—the “Nairobi Declaration on Ecoagriculture”—and developed recommendations for priority collaborative activities to scale up ecoagriculture.
2005: Ecoagriculture Partners legally incorporated in the U.S. as 501c3 organization. A detailed Strategic Plan for 2005-2008 was developed and project activities are now underway.
Ecoagriculture Partners works with more than 100 community based organizations, farmer groups, agriculture and conservation research organizations, development agencies, government institutions and private companies to promote ecoagriculture. Our activities are organized in three major programs: Linking and Learning; Understanding Ecoagriculture and Enabling Markets and Policies.
Projects under the Linking and Learning program are:
- The Community Knowledge Service, co-sponsored by UNDP's Equator Initiative, facilitates sharing of knowledge and expertise among community-based organizations.
- Our network of Learning Landscapes in Mesoamerica, East Africa and other regions supports and links multi-stakeholder groups working to develop ecoagriculture.
- Our Outreach activities make ecoagriculture information and resources accessible to innovators and raise awareness among policymakers, investors and the public about ecoagriculture.
- Our Leadership Development project, co-organized with the UC-Berkeley, supports leaders from diverse sectors to build skills and knowledge for ecoagriculture.
Projects under the Understanding Ecoagriculture program are:
- The Landscape Measures Initiative, co-organized with Cornell University, provides practical methods for heping analyze, plan and monitor ecoagriculture landscapes.
- The Research and Synthesis project works with researchers around the world to develop new knowledge to support the practice of ecoagriculture.
The projects under the Enabling Markets and Policies program are:
- The Markets for Ecoagriculture project helps innovators to identify and pursue market opportunities in their landscapes that provide financial returns to ecoagriculture practices.
- The Ecoagriculture Policy project evaluates how local, national and international policies can promote ecoagriculture.
Ecoagriculture Partners has successfully catalyzed the development of an international network of ecoagriculture ‘champions,’ from community leaders to research and development institutions to policymakers. We connect thousands of ecoagriculture practitioners around the world through our website and other knowledge sharing activities, such as leadership courses, research symposia, and publications ranging from newsletters to books.
Sara J. Scherr is an agricultural and natural resource economist specializing in land and forest management policy in tropical developing countries. . She is Director of Ecoagriculture Partners, an international partnership to promote increased productivity jointly with enhanced natural biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. She also serves as Director of Ecosystem Services for Forest Trends, an NGO that promotes forest conservation through improved markets for forest products and ecosystem services. She is a member of the United Nations Millennium Project Task Force on Hunger, and a member of the Board of Directors of the World Agroforestry Centre. Dr. Scherr's previous positions include: Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA; Co-Leader of the CGIAR Gender Program; Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington, D.C.; and Principal Researcher at the World Agroforestry Centre, in Nairobi, Kenya. She was previously a Fulbright Scholar (1976), and a Rockefeller Social Science Fellow (1985-87). Dr. Scherr received her B.A. in Economics at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in International Economics and Development at Cornell University in New York.
Emile Frison, Director-General, Bioversity
Minu Hemmati, Independent Advisor
Michael Jenkins, President, Forest Trends
Bruce Lloyd, Chairman, Australian Landcare Council
Jeffrey McNeely, Chief Scientists, IUCN
Odigha Odigha, Executive Director, Forest Conservation Foundation, Nigeria
Barbara Rose, Executive Director, Aid to Africa
Sara Scherr (ex oficio), President, Ecoagriculture Partners
Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica, India, Kenya, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Uganda, United States
730 11th St NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 393-5315
EIN: 20-2349392
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your support will directly help farmer, pastoral, forest and fisher groups working with Ecoagriculture Partners to invest in ecoagriculture. Small gifts go a long way. Several examples of recent community investments include: The Kalinga Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines invested in irrigated rice terraces for fish and vegetable production, growing more food and protecting mountain biodiversity. Communities in Rajasthan, India, invested in small mud dams...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Ecoagriculture Partners was formed specifically to support such alliances. Strong partnerships between farmers, conservationists, researchers, rural leaders and policymakers are the only way to harmonize agricultural production and wildlife conservation—and thereby provide sustainable solutions for poor communities. A donation to support our partnership activities is a wonderful gift for friends or family members concerned about food and hunger, environmental conservation or international development. Your donation...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Small, but strategic messages through the media and targeted advocacy can make a big difference in policy decisions. Your donation will help raise awareness of ecoagriculture issues and re-shape policy debates, by helping rural communities tell their stories. With your support, Ecoagriculture Partners will: compile the stories of specific communities’ ecoagriculture landscapes; illustrate their stories with videos and interactive web tools; and use their stories...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Ecoagriculture Partners helps local groups to stay informed about important negotiations affecting ecoagriculture, develop the skills for effective advocacy, and mobilize financial support to cover their travel costs. Your gift will enable a community leader to attend an Ecoagriculture Leadership Course; coach local leaders on how to advocate and negotiate on behalf of their communities; and bring a farmer delegate to an important national or...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your donation will help our partners discover successful ecoagriculture solutions, and allow farmers to share their knowledge in local settings and throughout the world. With your gift, we can: support field visits in India for farmers to learn ecoagriculture practices for growing medicinal plants around Protected Areas; make it possible for farmers in Uganda to receive expert advice on converting their plots from sun to...