Stop Illegal Trade
One health report

Brazilian Network to Combat the Wild Animal Trafficking
Society is not aware of the cruelty of wild animal trafficking and its legal, economic, environmental and especially sanitary consequences. Public health problems can be caused by contact with wild animal populations, which is one more reason they shouldn’t be used as pets. Renctas and UNEP have united to alert Brazilian society about the damages caused by wild animal trafficking and the impact that emergent diseases can cause to our public health.
The Gift
Your gift will fund the research, production, and free distribution of one report on the sanitary impacts associated with wild animal trafficking. The project has the objective of strengthening and increasing the fight against wild animal trafficking in Brazil and abroad, through the dissemination of information on the risks wild animals can represent to world health and economics, by the spreading of diseases this activity can cause. This information will be disseminated through the report to be published. We believe that increasing public knowledge about the damages and risks this illegal activity can cause, we will be decreasing the use of such animals as pets.