Help Immigrant Women
Leadership training

Futures Without Violence
Because of unfamiliarity with their legal options under the U.S. judicial system, intimidation and language barriers, immigrant women are among the most vulnerable women in the United States to domestic violence. Helping immigrant women become their own advocates is proving to be the best and most sustainable way to address the needs of immigrant survivors of abuse and break the cycle for the next generation.
The Gift
Battered immigrant women face a unique set of challenges as they struggle for safety in the United States. By supporting this program you will help educate 25 women about their legal rights and help them develop new leadership skills so they can become involved in changing the policies and social norms that directly affect them and their children. As emerging leaders, immigrant women play a critical role in supporting other women in their community. Support for this program also enables FVPF to better inform institutions on the special needs of immigrant women, demand more accessible and culturally relevant services, and change the norms within cultures to denounce violence against women as an acceptable form of behavior. Your gift of leadership training for 25 battered immigrant women will be provided by FVPF as part of our Immigrant Women’s Rights Project.