Adopt A Lynx
Wildlife protection

National Wildlife Federation
The Endangered Species Act (ESA), the vital safety net for lynx and other imperiled wildlife throughout America, is under attack. Members of Congress are trying hard to repeal the ESA’s valuable and long-standing protections…the very same protections that have made wildlife victories such as the peregrine falcon, Yellowstone wolf and bald eagle, possible!
The Gift
Please help us STOP THIS ATTACK on America’s magnificent wildlife! \ Your $30 symbolic lynx adoption will help NWF: Fight to prevent the Endangered Species Act from being gutted. Conserve the few remaining big cat habitats in the U.S. Publicize the plight of the lynx and other imperiled wildlife. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for the Canada lynx and other imperiled wildlife teetering on the brink of extinction. Please Adopt A Lynx now.