Global AIDS Alliance
See our GiftsOverview
Founded in 2001, the Global AIDS Alliance (GAA) has carved out a strategic leadership role in shaping global AIDS policy debates and organizing advocacy campaigns to break through bureaucratic inaction and speed the pace of the global response to HIV/AIDS.
To mobilize the political will and financial resources needed to slow, and ultimately stop, the global AIDS crisis and reduce its impacts on poor countries hardest hit by the pandemic.
GAA works to accelerate progress toward a comprehensive, evidence-based HIV prevention strategy; universal treatment access; a comprehensive response to the crisis of orphans and vulnerable children; and universal basic education and the elimination of school fees.
GAA combines media outreach and public education with targeted coalition building and grassroots mobilization in order to raise awareness and inspire activism in support of these policy goals.
GAA's advocacy has focused much-needed attention on the global AIDS crisis and created a new sense of momentum. We have mobilized increased U.S. funding for global AIDS, including the Global Fund, and played a major role in securing new legislation to address the crisis of orphans and vulnerable children. GAA plays an essential role in holding the U.S. government, other wealthy nations, and multilateral organizations such as UNAIDS accountable for implementing effective policies and committing the resources needed to slow the epidemic and address its devastating impacts.
Dr. Paul Zeitz
Profile: http://www.globalaidsalliance.org/index.php/399
Board Chair, Rev. Mpho Tutu
Honorary Chair, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
United States
1413 K Street, NW, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 789-0432
EIN: 52-2310555
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will help GAA continue to produce briefing documents on a range of issues related to HIV/AIDS, such as violence against women and children, universal basic education and the elimination of school fees, and orphans and vulnerable children.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will enable the Global AIDS Alliance to host a coalition-building meeting (or teleconference) in order to bring key allies together, identify joint priorities, and develop specific advocacy and communications strategies to help maximize our impact.
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your gift will help GAA maintain its Action Alert Network and ensure that U.S. leaders continue to hear the voices of Americans who want their government to take a more active role in fighting the global AIDS epidemic.