Keep Kids Healthy!
Health Costs for Kids

Keep a Child Alive
We are witnessing the complete annihilation of entire communities of people. Human beings like you and me, infected with the deadliest virus known to man: AIDS. Spreading uncontrollably from person to person, the virus has led to the deaths of millions of fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. The most affected are children. This devastating disease has created over 13 million orphans in Africa alone. This has become a race against time, not just for Africa but for the entire human race.h
The Gift
This gift will pay for the health costs of one child headed household for one year at Ikageng Itireleng in South Africa. Growing children have a variety of routine health needs and problems that, while easy to care of in the Western world, are heavy burdens for child-headed households. Your donation ensures that these brave children will stay healthy, and be able to devote more time to their education and personal development.