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Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about HIV / AIDS or any cause.
Countries and Regions
Religious Charities
Regular price $500 $5.00
This gift provides lifesaving AIDS drugs, for one child for five days. These drugs bring children back to life, giving them the chance to grow up healthy and happy.
Regular price $36500 $365.00
This gift will provide lifesaving AIDS drugs for one child for one year. These drugs bring children back to life, from terrible sickness to full health. With your help, these children can devote their time and energy to their education and personal pursuits, allowing them a real childhood and a chance to succeed later in life.
Regular price $4000 $40.00
Your gift will pay for an hour of an AIDS vaccine researcher’s time. IAVI is committed to finding an AIDS vaccine for use throughout the world. IAVI’s scientific team, drawn largely from the vaccine industry, researches and develops AIDS vaccine candidates and conducts HIV clinical trials and research. IAVI prioritizes the most promising products and moves them swiftly through the vaccine development pipeline. Despite the...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
This gift will provide food for one patient for ten days at Alive Medical Services in Kampala, Uganda. AIDS treatment works only if combined with a healthy lifestyle in which proper nutrition is a crucial component. Your donation gives one patient this needed nutrition.
Regular price $6000 $60.00
This gift will provide nutrition for one patient for two months at Alive Medical Services. Nutrition in a crucial component of effective AIDS treatment. Your generous gift ensures that for two months, one patient is able to be treated properly and reach full health.
Regular price $1500 $15.00
This gift will provide nutrition for one child for one month at Ikageng Itireleng in South Africa. Many of these children, who live in child-headed households, have no parents on whom to depend for food. They have experienced going without meals, but with you donation you can help ensure that they will never again.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will help GAA continue to produce briefing documents on a range of issues related to HIV/AIDS, such as violence against women and children, universal basic education and the elimination of school fees, and orphans and vulnerable children.
Regular price $5200 $52.00
Your donation will pay for two AIDS Vaccine Literacy Toolkits for people in the developing world where the epidemic is the most serious and where people have limited access to health education. The primary purpose of this Vaccine Literacy Toolkit project is to provide materials and tools that are culturally relevant for the individual needs of countries, communities and audiences, but that contain accurate, globally...
Regular price $6000 $60.00
Candlelight is celebrated anually in more than 1,000 communities in 65 countries. Run by volunteers, these events are forums for advocacy, knowledge sharing, community building and remembering. Your gift will provide a coordinator in the U.S. or in another country with a kit to plan, advertise and execute a memorial in their community. Through its education and mobilization components, this gift benefits not only individuals,...
Regular price $17500 $175.00
Your donation will cover the costs of one outing of a Mobile Voluntary Counseling and Testing Unit. Access to healthcare clinics is often very limited for those in rural areas, so mobile teams take the services to the people. One team can provide HIV counseling and testing to over 50 clients a day. Access to these services helps educate people on how to stay HIV-negative...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will enable the Global AIDS Alliance to host a coalition-building meeting (or teleconference) in order to bring key allies together, identify joint priorities, and develop specific advocacy and communications strategies to help maximize our impact.
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Your gift will provide a computer for one of our nine field sites across East and Southern Africa. AIDS vaccine clinical studies are very complex and data intensive, so local scientists need access to high-tech computers. Your support will ensure that these local researchers have all the tools they need in their search for an AIDS vaccine. AIDS vaccine research requires complicated technology. Your gift...