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Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will provide this direct assistance to homeless veterans nationwide on the 1-800-VET-HELP line for one day. Homeless veterans and those at risk of becoming homeless can access free guidance and referrals to service providers in their communities on any telephone in the country by calling 1-800-VET-HELP. Services available include emergency and transitional housing, medical and mental health services, employment preparation and job placement...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will provide supervision of the National Stand Down program for one day. NCHV is the national coordinator of the Stand Down program. The staff monitors programs nationwide, maintains the Stand Down Registry so veterans and service providers can connect with programs in their communities, advocates for federal and corporate funding support and in-kind donations, and publishes the Stand Down Manual -- a tool...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will provide 2 staff hours of work in support of women veterans' programs. Development of programs designed to help women is more critical now than at any other time in U.S. history. Historically, the VA has not had to provide services for women in the numbers that are presenting themselves because of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Approximately 4% of the homeless veterans...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will provide 2 hours of staff work to help steer potential housing and service providers to resources, capital, and experts in the field who can turn vision into reality. In partnership with other national organizations such as the Corporation for Supportive Housing, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Labor, State Directors of Veterans Affairs, and municipal public assistance agencies, NCHV...
Regular price $4500 $45.00
This gift will provide one hour of consultation with members of Congress and their staffs on laws to create, provide funding for and expand veteran assistance programs. NCHV helped create the VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program -- the largest federal homeless veteran assistance program -- and the Department of Labor Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program, and helped write the Comprehensive Homeless Veteran Assistance...