Human Rights
See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Human Rights nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
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Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Human Rights or any cause.
Religious Charities
Regular price $1,25000 $1,250.00
Human Rights Training for Youth Activists: GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Human Rights Training for Youth Activists: GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Human Rights Training for Youth Activists: GYC provides training to help open the eyes of young people to some of the world's most pressing human rights challenges and to empower them to be able to be part of the solution. We primarily do this work in parts of the world where violence has torn communities apart and where young people have a unique opportunity and...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
You can pay for the cost of documenting one of these killings. Once documented, the case will be raised through all sorts of national, regional and international advocacy. This is not a happy gift, but it is a necessary one: without it, there can be no possibility of justice, no prospect of ending the bloodshed. These stories must be recorded and told. This is being...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Support Amnesty International as we initiate the biggest piece of research, campaigning and empowerment work in our history as part of the Demand Dignity campaign. Building on 50 years of rigorous and impartial investigation into human rights abuses and successful lobbying of governments and the UN to improve international and domestic laws and demand accountability when they are broken, Amnesty will work to shift the...
Regular price $3400 $34.00
Local indigenous communities are demanding that the government secure their consent before allowing mining to proceed. Your gift funds an hour of a lawyer's time to help a community defend their right to land and clean water. Fund grantee Rights Action, a national organization in Guatemala, is helping local Mayan communities file a complaint with the International Labor Organization (ILO), whose Covenant 169, ratified by...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will enable a civil society activist or organization based in a developing country to become a member of CIVICUS for a year. They will be able to participate in, and benefit from, a global network of civil society organizations. All members support CIVICUS' vision and mission of strengthening civil society around the world and building a community of informed, inspired and committed citizens...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Pay for a month’s worth of messages to be sent as part of an Urgent Action campaign to save someone in imminent danger of torture or facing death. Amnesty International's global Urgent Action network provides an effective and rapid means of preventing some of the most life-threatening human rights violations against individuals. As soon as Amnesty learns that a person is in danger of human...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will support a highly qualified and experienced campaigner working on human rights, social justice or the eradication of poverty. By supporting our campaigners to research these complex problems, develop campaigns and actively advocate on these key issues, you'll be making a difference around the world. Our campaigns focus on two areas: 1) securing the freedom of association, assembly and expression for individuals and...