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Basic Needs
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Each day in communities throughout America, local senior meal programs are working tirelessly to bring meals to seniors in need. These programs are our members and we are proud of them. Their clients are our mothers and fathers and grandparents and neighbors. They are America and they need your help. By donating this gift you are feeding our hungry seniors and ensuring that no senior...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Each day in communities throughout America, local senior meal programs are working tirelessly to bring meals to seniors in need. These programs are our members and we are proud of them. Their clients are our mothers and fathers and grandparents and neighbors. They are America and they need your help. By donating this gift you are feeding our hungry seniors and ensuring that no senior...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Each day in communities throughout America, local senior meal programs are working tirelessly to bring meals to seniors in need. These programs are our members and we are proud of them. Their clients are our mothers and fathers and grandparents and neighbors. They are America and they need your help. By donating this gift you are feeding our hungry seniors and ensuring that no senior...