Feed the Homeless
10 hot meals

Covenant Presbyterian Church
Homelessness among youth in the U.S. is disturbingly common. We know that on any given night, up to 500 youth in Austin do not have a safe place to sleep, and that more than 70% of street youth have been physically, emotionally, and/or sexually abused. These are young people who, for their own safety, have learned not to trust and not to care.
The Gift
This gift will provide ten hot, nutritious meals for homeless youth in Austin to be delivered by a Covenant volunteer putting Christ’s love into action. Covenant Presbyterian Church’s “Daily Bread” program has successfully reached many of these hurting youth by partnering with Lifeworks to provide a regular warm meal and the face of Christian love to homeless youth in the University area. LifeWorks’ services to runaway and homeless youth are a national model, providing a pathway from street life to self-sufficiency. Through Lifeworks’ street outreach program, youth may access education, GED preparation, hygiene supplies, medical care, clothing, immunizations, drug and alcohol assessments and counseling, mental health services, and case management services. What Lifeworks can’t provide on its own is the invitation to experience Christ. Covenant volunteers provided about 1500 meals per year and show these young people the consistent, forgiving, and loving presence of Christ.