Empower Dalit Women
One ticket for a woman

Dalit Freedom Fund
Caste. This 3,000 year old hierarchical system divides Indian life based on traditional occupations and heritage. While a portion of India’s population succeeds, 250 million Dalits are isolated in an “untouchable” world of modern day slavery. Dalit women are considered “Dalits among Dalits.” Many are illiterate, unaware of their rights, confused about their bodies, and abused. In addition, traditional practices like Dowry devalue and objectify women.
The Gift
This gift will cover the cost for one Dalit women to attend a Women’s Empowerment Conference in India. Just beyond their village’s border—where many women have never ventured—the leaders of the Conference are prepared to teach Dalit women valuable truths about their worth as humans beings and skills for a dignified life despite caste oppression. This gift enables one woman to attend. Acting as host, the Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) sees many women personally and practically transformed by the wonderful new message of their worth and rights. Recently, 70 year old Nirmala sat in awe, learning about her worth as a person, her legal rights, tangible vocational skills, and steps toward healing from abuse. When a DFN worker noticed Nirmala watching intently as she took notes, she helped her grasp the pen and form the letters of her name. This was the first time Nirmala had ever seen her name! This simple exchange reiterates the primary message: each woman is valuable, has a name worth writing and a personal significance worth celebrating.