Support Outreach
HIV/AIDS worker visit

International HIV/AIDS Alliance USA
The spread of HIV and the heavy burden of AIDS continue to undermine communities, nations and development. However, poor countries do not have sufficient resources and systems in place to be able to tackle the epidemic on a wide scale. Communities are often without adequate sources of information and support. Groups of people marginalized and stigmatized in society, including people with HIV, may be particularly isolated from help and advice.
The Gift
Your donation will help us to pay for some of the time of an outreach worker spends going into the community. Outreach workers are often people who are themselves HIV positive, and so they are ideally placed to help others in the same situation. They may deal with a whole range of issues around HIV/AIDS. For example, they can advise on how to obtain affordable treatment and on simple ways to eat more healthily, such as creating a vegetable garden. They can give correct information on how HIV is contracted and how to prevent it. Outreach workers might visit people in their own homes, or speak out at other community forums like churches and schools. Their work is also invaluable in breaking down myths about HIV/AIDS and reducing stigma and discrimination.