K-12 Education
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Regular price $2500 $25.00
Books open the minds of students and provide them with the answers to their questions and the foundation for their dreams. A well equipped library offers the students the tools necessary to research and write detailed reports for their classes. Biographies inspire students to reach beyond what they thought was possible. Natural Science books answer questions about the biological and physical world around us. Fiction...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your gift will provide help build a library that will help adolescents gain knowledge and exposure to the wide-range human experiences that can define a person's life.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Chosen by researchers and curriculum experts as rich, high-quality texts that will support children’s development of language and literacy skills, the books provided with your donation also touch on issues familiar to every child, such as the arrival of a new baby brother or sister, the excitement of experiencing new places and meeting new people, and the fun of spending time with friends! This basket...