Involve Students

The Marshall Legacy Institute
Landmines cripple and kill thousands of people each year, keep refugees from their homes and deny residents of conflict-torn countries the opportunity to rebuild long after wars end. More than a quarter of the world's nations still suffer from the effects of these hidden killers and yet many students in the US rarely hear about this humanitarian scourge.
The Gift
The Children Against Mines Program (CHAMPS) is an educational and outreach program that presents students and local communities with the opportunity to learn how landmines affect people and animals in war-torn nations and take action. CHAMPS highlights the work of mine detection dogs and how human-dog teams work together to “sniff out" landmines and save lives. CHAMPS provides students with: (1) the experience of helping children in another country; (2) a greater understanding of their role in the global community; (3) a unique community service project; (4) opportunities to develop leadership skills; and (5) awareness of this important humanitarian issue. Your gift will provide a participating school, student group or community organization with a CHAMPS kit including: a DVD about mine detection dogs; suggestions for classroom activities; a poster-sized map and study guide of landmine affected countries; and updates on CHAMPS campaigns around the country.