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Religious Charities
Regular price $500 $5.00
This gift will provide the magic of two new books to a child in need, and help create a foundation of literacy in her life.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will provide children with access to appropriate literature - often for the first time. Because many families in the developing world do not possess the disposable income to purchase children's books, there is no economic incentive for publisheers to produce them. Room to Read hires authors and illustrators to create culturally relevant stories with colorful pictures for children to enjoy. In addition to...
Regular price $3600 $36.00
Your gift will bring the magic of a bedtime story directly to a child in need once every month for a year.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Incorporating letters and print into a child’s learning environment and into his or her everyday play ensures that the child becomes comfortable and familiar with the alphabet. When put to use by a caring Jumpstart volunteer working one-to-one with the child, the learning is individualized and more effective. Your gift will provide an educational package of puzzles, Alphabet Bingo, Letter Tiles, and Alphabet Stamps, materials...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your gift will put five brand new books directly into the hands of children in need.
Regular price $18000 $180.00
Your gift will bring brand new books directly to afterschool programs that support children's literacy and education.
Regular price $12000 $120.00
Your gift will bring 40 children brand new appealing and age-appropriate books to take home and keep.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
Your gift will provide 25 children in an afterschool program with brand new books.
Regular price $5,00000 $5,000.00
This gift will provide 10 at-risk preschoolers with a highly trained Jumpstart Corps member mentor for one full semester; each Corps members will be paired one-to-one with the same child for the duration of the program. While the program runs for one full school year, you can be a part of supporting an entire semester of this work. The results speak for themselves: children who...
Regular price $1,25000 $1,250.00
Your gift will provide one full semester of one-to-one mentoring by a trained Jumpstart Corps member and an at-risk preschool child. For over a decade we’ve been bringing at-risk preschool children and caring adults together. Jumpstart fosters relationships that focus on building literacy, in combination with social and emotional readiness. A one-to-one setting ensures that education becomes the completely transformational experience it was meant to...
Regular price $60000 $600.00
Your gift of 200 new books will strengthen the reading ability of a classroom of children in need.
Regular price $36000 $360.00
Your gift will put brand new books directly in the backpacks of 20 preschoolers in need for them to take home.
Regular price $6000 $60.00
Your gift will put 20 brand new books in the home of a child in need.
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Trained on the basics of child development, including techniques for reading with children, and conflict resolution, Jumpstart volunteers work together in teams to implement a curriculum with young children twice a week for the entire school year. Each Jumpstart Corps member is paired one-to-one with an at-risk preschooler to ensure individualized attention. As part of their lessons with children each week, teams utilize a host...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Chosen by researchers and curriculum experts as rich, high-quality texts that will support children’s development of language and literacy skills, the books provided with your donation also touch on issues familiar to every child, such as the arrival of a new baby brother or sister, the excitement of experiencing new places and meeting new people, and the fun of spending time with friends! This basket...