Sponsor A Scientist
Two days in the lab

American Federation for Aging Research
Nearly all major diseases, including cancers, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases occur with greater frequency as we age. The number of older Americans with multiple, chronic illnesses will increase significantly as the baby boomer generation ages.
The Gift
Your gift of $480 provides two days of work in the lab for an AFAR researcher conducting ground-breaking research on aging and age-related diseases, including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and osteoporosis. AFAR grants scientists -- after they have passed a rigorous review process -- $60,000 to study a broad range of topics, including the causes of cellular senescence, the role of estrogen in the development of osteoporosis, the genetic factors associated with Alzheimer's disease, the effects of nutrition and exercise on the aging process, and much more.