Medical Research
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Regular price $1000 $10.00
When you purchase lab supplies, you are providing researchers the support and supplies they need to make groundbreaking translational research advancements. Your gift will help facilitate the efforts of hard-working and dedicated researchers.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your gift will go towards the publication of PKD Progress that will help disseminate educational and medical information to those affected by PKD
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will help pay the way for one researcher to attend the ABC2 Annual Scientific Meeting. Over the years, we have found this annual scientific meeting to be the most effective means by which to draw the field closer together and foster collaboration across institutional lines. The annual meeting emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive climate for scientific and medical research with a...
Regular price $3500 $35.00
You gift will help foster collaboration across institutional lines and hasten a cure for brain cancer. To accelerate the transition of therapies into clinical studies for patients, ABC² has initiated a strategic collaboration, the ABC² Clinical Network. It is composed of four leading neuro-oncology centers and clinical investigators who work together to: provide guidance and counsel to the sponsors of drug therapies (particularly in the...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Your generous gift will buy one share of the ABC² Angel Investor Fund* (multiple shares are available) to fast-track cutting edge brain cancer research advancements. Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure was formed with the belief that the entrepreneurial model that has enabled so many technological innovations offers the best hope to fill the gap in funding. In the business world venture capitalists, sometimes called "angel investors,"...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will support vital research funding and patient education all aimed at finding a treatment and cure for ARPKD.