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Religious Charities
Regular price $26000 $260.00
This gift makes it possible for a Dalit in a self-help group sponsored by the Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) to receive a small loan to start a business. Loan recipients develop a reliable source of income and gain self-respect and dignity by repaying the amount. Plus, as the loan is paid back with a fair interest rate, another group member may receive funding. When Sabita’s...
Regular price $500 $5.00
IMED, an Opportunity International partner, is a microfinance organization based in Chennai. When the tsunami struck, the IMED staff was quick to respond, surveying the damage in stricken areas, participating in relief activities and gauging the future needs of tsunami victims. Opportunity is now embarking on an aggressive expansion plan in India. By the end of 2006, IMED’s microfinance activity will be transferred to a...