Support Microcredit
Effectiveness research

Microcredit Summit Campaign
A billion people around the world live on less than $1 a day. One of the Microcredit Summit Campaign’s goals for 2015 is to ensure that 100 million families move above the $1-a-day threshold that defines extreme poverty. To ensure that this goal is reached, researchers need to track microcredit clients’ movement out of $1-a-day poverty.
The Gift
Your donation enables researchers to obtain credible evidence that these microcredit borrowers are leaving the miseries of extreme poverty. The Microcredit Summit Campaign is working with the largest microfinance institutions in the world, with millions of clients each, to measure the progress of their clients as they work their way out of poverty. When the Microcredit Summit Campaign reaches its goal of assuring that 100 million of the world’s poorest families cross the $1-a-day threshold by the year 2015, half a billion people will have escaped the scourge of extreme poverty. Achieving this would nearly complete the Millennium Development Goal on halving extreme poverty.