Nysarc Inc., Broome-Tioga County Chapter
See our GiftsOverview
Since its inception in 1952, ACHIEVE has served as a valuable resource to thousands of Broome and Tioga County residents. As society has become more accepting of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, and federal and state resources have supported programs to serve the population, ACHIEVE has been responsive to the call of the community, creating residential, day, family support, guardianship and employment opportunities for those in need.
It is the Mission of ACHIEVE to provide leadership, advocacy and opportunities which enable persons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families to enhance the quality of their lives. To this end, all of our services help to advance the skill levels of our participants, promote inclusion, integration and socialization, and encourage independence.
Residential Services
ACHIEVE currently operates 14 supervised community
residences, supervised apartments, and supportive apartments. Each type of residence provides a home for individuals who have intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Individuals living in a residence have the opportunity to improve and enhance their level of independence as well as integrate into the community. Each residence is licensed by the NYS OMRDD.
Day Habilitation
The Day Habilitation Program provides a comprehensive
spectrum of intense rehabilitative, clinical, and support
services in a medical model to individuals with
moderate to severe levels of disability and whose
skill deficits prevent participation in vocational
programming. Services include: activities of daily living skills, cognitive skill development, recreation, communication development, occupational, physical and speech therapy, and comprehensive nursing services.
Country Valley Industries
Country Valley Industries (CVI), a subsidiary of ACHIEVE, serves as the core facility-based vocational and long-term sheltered employment program. CVI provides a variety of training and jobs through subcontracts with business and industry. CVI also provides work experiences at local community businesses as a means to further education, awareness and community integration. The program is certified by the NYS OMRDD, State and County Social Services Departments and the US Department of Labor.
Family Support Services
Family Support Services are an array of programs and services that provide assistance to families that have an individual with intellectual and other developmental disabilities living at home. Examples of services provided include, but are not limited to, a Family Empowerment Program, a Recreation/Respite Program, a Children’s Summer Program, and Party Night.
Guardianship Program
The Guardianship Program provides information, referral and technical assistance to families who wish to pursue guardianship for individuals with mental retardation and/or a developmental disability who need assistance with decision making and managing their affairs. Through NYSARC, Inc.’s Corporate Guardianship Program, ACHIEVE may serve as guardian, stand-by guardian, or alternate stand-by guardian for a family who does not have anyone else to act as legal guardian for their child.
Medicaid Service Coordination
Medicaid Service Coordination is a long-term support program for adults and children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities that live in Broome and Tioga Counties. The program is open to all persons eligible for services through the NYS OMRDD who live independently in the community, with family, or in
certified residences and/or family care homes.
Over the past 58 years, ACHIEVE has grown to become the largest and most comprehensive voluntary provider of services to individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in Broome and Tioga Counties, serving more than 1,200 individuals each year!
Mary Jo Thorn
Denis Wickham, President
Lisa Lee, 1st Vice President
Ellen Feldman, 2nd Vice President
Nicki French, Secretary
Daniel Ballard, Treasurer
Robert Salankiewicz, Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Robert Bethje
Vince Fiacco
Colleen Friends
Paula Giroux
James M. Hayes
Shirley Jackson
Michael Misner
William Orband
Rev. Diane Prentice
Gary Shay
John Stevens
United States
New York
125 Cutler Pond Road
Binghamton, NY 13905-1564
Phone: (607) 723-8361
EIN: 15-0619307
Regular price $50000 $500.00
Here at ACHIEVE we have three major fundraising events. On April 24th we will hold our 15th Annual Pin Crushing Bowling Tournament. This event is held at Midway Lanes in Vestal and draws over 350 bowlers and spectators. Assemblyman Clifford Crouch and Gary Finch serve as honorary chairpersons for this annual event. On July 22nd we will hold our 2nd Annual Savor the Summer event....
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Recently, individuals with disabilities, parents, family members and direct support professionals met with State Legislators to educate, inform and advocate, as part of a statewide initiative. ACHIEVE participated by sending representatives to meet with our local legislators. We wanted to stress to our legislators that the services we provide are not optional, they are essential. To point out that recent cuts to our system have...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Recent studies have proven that a “hands on” connection to nature in a green environment has numerous therapeutic benefits, including provision of relief from depression and anxiety as well as lessening the duration of physical infirmities. The responsibilities that come with maintaining a greenhouse will provide the individuals with an opportunity to learn important life skills as well as offer a sense of personal accomplishment...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
ACHIEVE's Children's Summer Program is a four-day, six week program. Activities of the program focus on improving gross and fine motor coordination, promoting positive social behavior, and environmental awareness. In addition to these activities, remedial instruction in reading, math, and speech is also provided. ACHIEVE’s Summer Program provides leadership and an opportunity for children to reinforce daily life skills in a fun and challenging way.This...
Regular price $12500 $125.00
This gift will provide one child's entry fee to attend ACHIEVE's Children's Summer Program. The program is a four-day, six week program. Activities of the program focus on improving gross and fine motor coordination, promoting positive social behavior, and environmental awareness. In addition to these activities, remedial instruction in reading, math, and speech is also provided. ACHIEVE’s Summer Program provides leadership and an opportunity for...