Support Women
Human rights manual

PDHRE, People's Movement for Human Rights Learning
Women rightfully argue that the existing human rights discourse is masculine and it doesn't reflect women's experiences and needs as full human beings. In the public arena women, half of humanity are being discussed as 'minorities' and not as full equals who own human rights. In many places around the world women are still treated a chattel or at best as mothers, but not as partners and equal members in the decision making process.
The Gift
Your gift will promote learning and dialogue through one training manual. Women Hold Up The Sky is a dramatic series of training videos about the Women's Convention and its relevance to women's lives. Along with the included training manual, these materials bring the Human Rights Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) alive for women and men around the world. CEDAW is the only official document that recognizes women as full human beings. To make full human rights a reality for women, these communities must learn about it as an imperative for the future of humanity. The dialogue is necessary to render women agents of change. The series celebrates the complexity, strength and vibrant determination of women living in a globalized, patriarchal world to change their lives. giving a set of training guidelines that may be adapted to national or local needs