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Prevent Conflict

The Balkans

International Crisis Group

Regular price $50.00

Your donation will support the work of Crisis Group’s team based in Kosovo and allow Crisis Group to monitor the evolution of events in the Balkans region, assessing their significance, inter-relationship and wider impact. In particular, Crisis Group will examine the Dayton framework; refugee return; the need for accelerated economic and structural reform; foreign aid; political change in Republika Srpska; organised crime and corruption in...

Prevent Conflict

North East Asia

International Crisis Group

Regular price $50.00

Crisis Group’s North East Asia Project, based in South Korea, works to provide timely analysis of the regional dynamics affecting multilateral negotiations over North Korea's nuclear program. Your donation to Crisis Group’s team in South Korea will provide much needed resources for essential international liaison work, assessments of previous attempts at negotiations, and the development of policy proposals for future talks. Your donation will also...

Prevent Conflict

South East Asia

International Crisis Group

Regular price $50.00

Your donation to Crisis Group’s team, based in Indonesia, will support the preparation and dissemination of reports containing high-quality analysis and policy recommendations for the countries covered by the South East Asia Project: Indonesia, East Timor, Thailand, and the Philippines. In Indonesia, your donation will facilitate research into the development of regional autonomy, communal violence, separatist struggles in Aceh and Papua, and the role of...

Prevent Conflict

Central Asia

International Crisis Group

Regular price $50.00

Your donation will support Crisis Group’s team working on the ground, covering the five Central Asian states: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Your gift will provide Crisis Group’s expert analysts with the resources they need to carry out detailed field-based research within these states and societies. Your gift will allow Crisis Group to address the region’s most serious problems such as drug and arms...

Prevent Conflict

South Asia

International Crisis Group

Regular price $50.00

Your donation will support the work of Crisis Group’s team in South Asia, operating in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. In Afghanistan, your gift will enable the monitoring of volatile security and stability conditions as well as aspects of the country’s political transition. In Pakistan, it will support Crisis Group’s work to promote stability in the country and to continue monitoring the situation in Kashmir...

Prevent Conflict

North Africa

International Crisis Group

Regular price $50.00

Your donation will support Crisis Group’s North Africa Project, which covers the region from its base in Cairo. In Egypt, your gift will provide Crisis Group with the resources to monitor developments threatening peace internally and externally, as well as to apply and expand its analyses to other North African countries. In addition, your donation will support Crisis Group’s production of comprehensive and timely reports...

Plant the Seeds

Tomorrow's peacemakers

Global Security Institute

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will support GSI's efforts at engaging our young people. From giving presentations and guidance at Model UN conferences to giving lectures at universities and youth groups around the country, your gift will support GSI's Disarmament and Peace Education program by giving young people the information they need to develop the critical thinking tools they need to be tomorrow's peacemakers.

One Bullet Story

Violence education

International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War

Regular price $30.00

firearm deaths and injuries strike hardest in the countries of the Global South, placing an intolerable burden on people in Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia who already suffer disproportionately from poverty, disease, and the inequities of economic development. Small arms and light weapons flow into countries caught up in armed conflicts then remain long after hostilities have ended to exacerbate crime and interpersonal...

No Nuclear Famine

Climate effects

International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War

Regular price $30.00

Your gift will help IPPNW bring this under-reported and under-appreciated story about the dangers of nuclear war to politicians, diplomats, military leaders, the media, and the public around the world. We have already made a start. We have produced a briefing kit on CD-ROM, including fact sheets, scientific papers, and a Powerpoint presentation that can be used by doctors, medical students, and grassroots activists to...

Never Again

Abolish weapons

International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War

Regular price $25.00

We are the only international medical organization dedicated to preventing nuclear war and abolishing nuclear weapons. Your gift will assist IPPNW in preserving and promoting peace through the IPPNW affiliates in over sixty countries that work together to strengthen effective diplomacy, peaceful conflict resolution, and conduct trainings in the international community.

My Cup of Tea

One public event

International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will make it possible for medical student activists and other health workers to conduct a Nuclear Weapons Free - My Cup of Tea events and Target X public demonstration in their local communities about the dangers of holding onto nuclear weapons as a means of deterrence and encourage dialogue about the complete abolition of nuclear arms. Led by medical student activists in white...

Messenger of Peace

Be a Messenger ofPeace

Global Security Institute

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will help produce a DVD copy of interviews with the Nobel Laureates, their Press Conference from Rome and the documents containing their morally clear call for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Global MPs confab

PNND conference call

Global Security Institute

Regular price $25.00

Conference calls are an inexpensive way for this network to stay informed, exchange ideas, vote on priorities and inspire each other to advance disarmament and nonproliferation in their respective legislatures.

Empower Youth

Conference for one

Ploughshares Fund

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will provide a unique opportunity for a young person to lead the way toward a safer, more peaceful future. Your gift will allow one student to participate in important security policy discussions at a national conference. Participating students will then organize events at their own schools to reach out to elected officials and make their voices heard on important security policy. This gift...

Diplomatic session

Gathering of diplomats

Global Security Institute

Regular price $500.00

This gift will provide a series of high level diplomatic strategy sessions bringing senior diplomats from over twenty governments together to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and work on disarmament.

Cure A Patient

Diagnostic & treatment

Seeds of Peace Inc.

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will help save a life from deadly Visceral Leishmaniasis by purchasing a 21-day course of Paromomycin Injection treatment (approximately $10), along with diagnostic kits and syringes, and help us deliver and administer its use in rural villages of India. One full 21-day treatment provides a lifetime cure.

Connect Globally

Help student activists

International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War

Regular price $25.00

Support a student to join in the discussions and educational public health workshops at the next World Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Your gift will help to cover some of the costs associated with sending medical student activists to participate at the next Congress, side-by-side with physicians, medical students from over sixty countries.

Build Peace

Virtual peace center

The Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation

Regular price $1,000.00

Our Virtual Peace Center will initially target youth in the United States and South Africa. However, we hope to soon make it available for all young people on the planet. Your gift will help us design and set-up the site which has a cost estimate of $150,000. We are also working on a program for people living without technology.

Build Bridges

Interfaith dialogue

Ploughshares Fund

Regular price $50.00

Your gift will support engagement between Islam and the West on issues of shared concern, particularly violent conflict and the use of nuclear weapons. Your gift will produce and send Study and Action Guides to 10 Islamic Centers and 10 Churches. Called the "Muslim-Christian Study and Action Guide on the Nuclear Weapons Danger,” this reference guide identifies how closely the two faith traditions view nuclear...

Briefing Congress

Educate your rep

Global Security Institute

Regular price $175.00

Our DC-based Bipartisan Security Group provides Members of Congress and their staff with the credible, experienced, insightful information on nuclear weapons policy that they need to make informed decisions that make our country and our world safer, now. The BSG is comprised of former diplomats, intelligence officers, lawyers and other experts, from BOTH sides of the aisle, providing an authoritative view on the most pressing...