Prevent Conflict
West Africa

International Crisis Group
War, corruption, ineffective governments and failed states plague West Africa. Peace remains fragile after brutal civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone and the situation in Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire is deteriorating. Nigeria, the region’s potential stabilizer, is plagued by corruption and an insurgency in the oil-rich Niger Delta. Crisis Group’s West Africa Project works to boost the capacity of the international community and African governments to promote peace, stability and good governance.
The Gift
Your donation will support the work of Crisis Group’s team in West Africa, covering the ongoing political, economic, and social conflicts in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, and Guinea. You will provide important logistical support to expert analysts on the ground. In Sierra Leone and Liberia your gift will support analysis of post-conflict reconstruction processes; in Côte d'Ivoire, it will facilitate Crisis Group’s work on the ongoing peace process; in Nigeria it will contribute to enhancing understanding of one Africa’s most strategically important countries, and in Guinea your gift will support research and policy recommendations designed to prevent state failure. With your support Crisis Group will be able to maintain a watching brief on the wider West African region and continue its important work to promote stability and good governance in this volatile area. For more information on this project please go to www.crisisgroup.org.