Protect Health
Educate uranium miners

International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War
Uranium mining poisons the environment and devastates the health of miners and their families. The mine and mill workers are usually from the most vulnerable and exploited communities in the world, such as the Navajo in North America, aboriginal Australians, the Adivasi tribes in India, and the desert-dwelling Topnaar community in Namibia. IPPNW doctors have documented increased incidences of cancers, birth defects and respiratory diseases in some of the worst affected communities.
The Gift
By bringing the plight of these indigenous victims of the nuclear age to the media, policy makers, and the public, IPPNW is driving home the fact that nuclear weapons can destroy lives even without detonation. Your gift will help IPPNW educate uranium miners, their families, and the concerned public about the health effects of exposure to radiation and other toxic substances. IPPNW doctors working with communities at the Jadugoda mines in northeast India are empowering them to demand safer mining procedures and protective equipment, proper waste management, and health clinics for workers and their families. With the expertise and support of IPPNW doctors in Australia, the traditional Mirrar people are continuing their resistance to the proposed Jabiluka uranium mine in the Northern Territory.