Pro-Choice Advocacy
Clergy brief pols

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Your support for pro-choice clergy advocacy on Capitol Hill is one of the most visible ways to demonstrate religious support for reproductive choice. We educate clergy leaders and prepare them to meet with Congressional representatives and participate in Capitol Hill briefings to advance religious, pro-choice values. Your support of a clergy advocacy visit ensures that pro-choice voices are heard by national decision-makers.
The Gift
Your support for our pro-choice clergy advocacy program, our Clergy Leadership Institute for Reproductive Justice, will prepare and position clergy to advocate for reproductive rights at the national level. The strategic mobilization of clergy leaders ensures that religious, pro-choice constituents are heard by national decision-makers, especially on timely issues such as judicial nominations or reproductive health policy and legislation. The presence of informed and prepared clergy activists on Capitol Hill raises awareness of threats to reproductive rights, demonstrates religious support for reproductive choice and provides a visible alternative to the Religious Right. Your support of a clergy advocacy visit ensures that pro-choice voices are heard by national decision-makers.