Sex Ed for Teens
Teach teens about sex

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Generation to Generation is a concentrated series of weekly sessions that strongly encourage African American teen girls to delay sex and early childbearing in communities plagued with high teen pregnancy rates. Our teen pregnancy prevention program empowers girls by stimulating intergenerational dialogue with mothers or female caregivers and increasing self esteem, using an innovative mix of teen pregnancy prevention strategies.
The Gift
Your contribution to Generation to Generation will support an African American teen's participation in our intense weekly teen pregnancy prevention program. Generation to Generation links teen pregnancy prevention, candid dialogue and culturally-appropriate education for African American girls who live in challenging areas with high teen pregnancy rates. Our candid dialogue and sexuality education help to reduce the rate of teen pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections and support responsible sexual decision-making. Our program shares the impact and consequences of early sexual activity and childbearing on girls' lives and future opportunities and prepares them for situations they may face in the real world. Your gift will support an African American girl's participation in our weekly Generation to Generation program.