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Health research

The Guttmacher Institute
Teen pregnancy, unsafe abortion, and HIV/AIDS take an alarming toll on people worldwide. One-fifth of illness and early death is due to poor sexual health, yet progress on preventing unwanted pregnancy is stalling, and the need for services is rising. As advocates contend with these issues, restrictions on reproductive rights are gaining momentum. To face these challenges, the field of sexual health needs reliable evidence, strategic advocacy and insightful policy analysis more than ever.
The Gift
Your donation will help the Guttmacher Institute generate the new ideas needed to influence program development across the spectrum of reproductive health challenges. Be a part of the proactive agenda for sexual and reproductive health worldwide and partner with Guttmacher to: increase contraceptive choice and use; help teenagers delay sex, prevent pregnancy and avoid disease; prove that family planning is a sound investment; guarantee access to safe, legal abortions; halt the STI epidemic; recognize the needs and roles of men in sexual and reproductive health; empower women and promote gender equality; eradicate maternal deaths; and help slow worldwide population growth. You can help make sexual and reproductive health and rights a reality for hundreds of millions of women and men, adults and young people who still lack the ability to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and STIs.