
See our Gifts


We are adding charitable gifts from nonprofits that meet needs in Tanzania.


If you have favorite organizations, please let us know. Contact information appears at the bottom of the page. 

Basic Needs


Countries and Regions




HIV/AIDS class

1 class for 20 porters

International Mountain Explorers Connection

Regular price $10.00

This gift will provide (1) two hour class of HIV/AIDS Awareness instruction to 20 porters in the village areas surrounding Mount Kilimanjaro.

Educate Porters

1 wk First Aid Course

International Mountain Explorers Connection

Regular price $100.00

This gift will provide for the two Porter Instructors' salaries for a 1 week certification course in First Aid in which a class size of 15 porters, living in the village areas surrounding Kilimanjaro, can be certified in First Aid.