The Roosevelt Institution

See our Gifts

The Roosevelt Institution is a national network of student think tanks which connects students’ ideas to the political process and serves as the incubator for tomorrow’s leaders. Students are already producing policy—through classes, research papers but their innovative ideas have yet to reach the national discourse. Colleges are already effectively think tanks; they are just not effective think tanks


In the process of developing and promoting policy, the Roosevelt Institution connects students' ideas with policy-makers, educates students about the political process, and trains the next generation of progressive leaders.


As a part of their work with public officials, students research and write on the policy issues they find most pressing. Once students have developed their policy ideas on campuses, Roosevelt Institution members work to bring them before policymakers, think tanks and media outlets. Roosevelt promotes policy ideas through a variety of mediums including our website, our annual publication, the Roosevelt Review, and other publications.


In almost two years of operating, the Roosevelt Institution has been very successful as an organization. Chapters are developing on college campuses and students are coming together to work on pressing issues. A donation to the Roosevelt Institution will help fund our efforts in publishing our Review, holding conferences, and connecting our proposals to the national discourse.


United States, Canada, Germany


1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
4th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 483-2515
EIN: 20-2371423



Support the Staff

One month's salary

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $2,500.00

A donation of $2500 would go towards a month's salary of a full-time staff member of the Roosevelt Institution.

Keep the Landlord Away

One month's rent

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $600.00

A donation of $600 will pay for one month's rent of office space and keep the Roosevelt Institution going strong.

Send A Student

Travel stipends

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $100.00

A donation of $100 towards travel stipends will greatly assist the Roosevelt Institution and our student presenters in being able to present their policy proposals to the leading policy-makers.

Start A Chapter

One startup grant

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $50.00

A donation towards a chapter start-up grant will help fund the logistics of starting a new chapter at a college.

Inform Decisions

Policy events

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $100.00

By donating to our event funding category, you will be helping the Roosevelt Institution do what it does best: present policy proposals to the leading policy-makers in the field.

Expand Technology

Technical hardware

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $50.00

Your gift will provide technical hardware for Roosevelt Institution. A donation towards Roosevelt Institution's technology expansion project will be greatly appreciated by all members.

Invite Speakers

Custom stationery

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $30.00

A $30 donation towards Roosevelt Institution stationery will help the Roosevelt Institution enhance its professionalism when inviting speakers to lecture at our policy expositions.

Inform Public Policy

25 Roosevelt Reviews

The Roosevelt Institution

Regular price $50.00

A donation of $50 will help the Roosevelt Institution publish 25 Roosevelt Reviews. The more funding we have for publishing will lead to more Reviews we have to distribute and spread our fellow's policy proposals.