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Regular price $500 $5.00
A gift of $5 provides the makeup for one youth from a low-income household. For each performance, youths receive 12 weeks of professional voice, dance and acting training through Random Acts of Theatre. RATco also provides a positive outlet for youthful energy and an alternative to the risky behaviors to which they are particularly vulnerable. The end result? Improved confidence for each performer and a...
Regular price $500 $5.00
The gift provides dinner for one during tech week (the week leading up to the performance). Many of the young people come from low-income families and love to spend their evenings with positive role models from RATco. They get hungry as they polish their acts and get ready to provide a professional, quality experience for the community. This gift feeds them and their futures at...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
A gift of $15 provides the makeup and costume for one youth from a low-income household. For each performance, youths receive 12 weeks of professional voice, dance and acting training through Random Acts of Theatre. RATco also provides a positive outlet for youthful energy and an alternative to the risky behaviors to which they are particularly vulnerable. The end result? Improved confidence for each performer...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
A gift of $10 provides the costume for one youth from a low-income household. For each performance, youths receive 12 weeks of professional voice, dance and acting training through Random Acts of Theatre. RATco also provides a positive outlet for youthful energy and an alternative to the risky behaviors to which they are particularly vulnerable. The end result? Improved confidence for each performer and a...
Regular price $18800 $188.00
Gives a young person from a low-income family the opportunity to get involved with Random Acts of Theatre and receive professional voice, dance and acting training for 12 weeks. The end result? Improved confidence for each performer and a professional musical performance for all.