Promote the Arts
Community Theater Ad

Freedom Foundation
Selma, Alabama is home to many talented people, but limited options for expressing it. As Dr. Sima Kanwal said, “The best part is the way [RATCo] gives young people who are typically isolated a creative outlet. I think its very healthy for both my son and the community.” The more people who know, the better! Help us get the word out to the community about a fantastic program!
The Gift
The gift will pay to air a commercial featuring audition and production information. Random Acts of Theatre provides a positive outlet for creativity. It will help get the word out about a program that had the young people talking (and singing, acting and dancing!): “I have fun and now have more people to talk to. I used to not have a lot of friends but through the theater have made many new friends. – Daroderick Sallie, age 15 “[RATCo} has allowed me to find myself. I can now express myself. I can be me.” -Keyana Hatcher, age 14 “I have a lot of fun….and I have learned how to be nice to people and not talk back at them.” –Cassandra Hope “[RATCo] isn’t meant for a certain group. Its meant for everyone.” --DeAundrei Holeman, age 17