Treatment Action Group
See our GiftsOverview
Treatment Action Group (TAG) fights for better treatments, a vaccine and a cure for AIDS. TAG is the only AIDS organization dedicated solely to advocating for larger and more effective research efforts, both public and private, towards a cure for AIDS. TAG is commited to working for and with all communities affected by HIV, to ensure that all people living with HIV receive the necessary treatment, care and information they need to save thier lives.
Treatment Action Group fights for better treatments, a vaccine and a cure for AIDS. TAG is the only organization dedicated solely to advocating for larger, more effective research efforts, public and private, towards a cure for AIDS. TAG is commited to working for and with all communities affected by HIV.
TAG focuses on the AIDS research effort, both public and private, the drug development process, and health care delivery systems, promoting universal access to HIV prevention, care and treatment in the United States and around the world. We meet with researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and government officials to encourage understudied areas in AIDS research and speed up drug development, approval and access. TAG works with the World Health Organization and and community organizations globally, and strive to develop the scientific and political expertise needed to transform policy. TAG is committed to working for and with all communities affected by HIV, empowering a strategy of community based advocacy, education and mobilization, to achieve stronger. more comprehensive and coordinated community efforts to combat HIV.
TAG is effective as the only organization anywhere in the world dedicated to tracking and advancing all of the efforts to develop better treatments, a vaccine, and a cure. Your contribution will help us in the continuing fight for faster, more productive treatment and vaccine research, more research funding, greater treatment access, better treatment education, and stronger communities of people living with HIV/AIDS.
United States
611 Broadway, Suite 608
New York, NY 10012-2608
Phone: (212) 253-7922
EIN: 13-3624785
Regular price $4500 $45.00
Your gift will ensure that six individual 2006 TAG HIV news publications, "What's In The Pipeline 2006," "Tuberculosis R&D Investments," TAGline newsletter (2 issues), and the TAG Annual Report & Fall Update are printed and shipped to an AIDS organization or clinic.