Healthy Animals
Vietnamese Pig Project

IDE-International Development Enterprises
In the Nam Dong District of Thua Hue Province in Vietnam approximately 60% of the population experiences food shortages for up to 6 months of the year. These families are living hand-to-mouth on what they are able to produce, unable to move out of poverty because everything produced must be consumed by the family for basic survival needs. The farming community in rural Vietnam is in desperate need of farming innovations which will enable them to produce items for market.
The Gift
Pig farming has a long tradition in rural farming communities of Vietnam, such as Thua Hue and especially among landless, ethnic minorities where pig farming is a practical and efficient way for farmers to produce additional revenue for family survival. Pig production has been identified as an exceptionally promising entry point for income generation in the region due to the high market demand for pork, low land requirements, and the affordability of piglets. Your gift will be used to allow a family in Nam Dong access to a veterinarian and affordable and modern feeding methods. This will save the families valuable time and allow them to raise double or triple the number of piglets each year.