The gift of Water
Clean water for Africa

For many people in Africa finding clean, safe drinking water is a major challenge. For many Africans, particularly women, much of the day is spent traveling long distances to fetch water from lakes and streams that are often contaminated. These limited water sources are not only used for drinking but also for bathing, washing clothes and cooking utensils and in other ways which pollute the water resulting in people becoming sick and at times dying.
The Gift
Africare works throughout Africa to address the lack of clean, safe water sources by helping communities construct water wells and other water systems. Africare works with communities to design, build and construct various types of water wells. Working together, the community learns how to maintain and take care of the well after Africare staff depart. Africare also discusses with communities strategies for disposing of water after it has been used. This is key because without a plan for proper disposal of polluted water, this water can contaminate the new clean water source. Supporting construction of a well includes more than the well itself. Communities gain access to clean water, develop knowledge of how to maintain the well, gain needed skills to assist other communities in constructing wells and develop an understanding of the importance of properly disposing of used/contaminated water. Your donation of $50 can support a family with clean water for an entire year.