See our GiftsBasic Needs
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Religious Charities
Regular price $4000 $40.00
As you might imagine, the most pressing needs are safe (and dry) shelter, food, and clean water. Many water pumps are submerged and wells are polluted. An emergency kit, which costs CRS only $40 to provide per family, contains vital relief supplies, including tarps, water purifiers, kitchen sets, buckets, and 10-day rations of high-protein food. We've been able to reach 70,000 families across the region...
Regular price $5200 $52.00
Your gift will improve the quality of life for rural communities. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the Americas. CRS Honduras is working with our partner to meet the water needs of poor farm families. This project includes the construction of gravity-based irrigation systems that are best suited for the rocky, hilly terrain of the project sites. It also provides education and training...